Friday, 3 September 2010

Dear Diary sorry it has been so long.

Dear Diary sorry I have neglected you for so long. It has been a really busy couple of weeks with visitors from The Netherlands and big kids starting Kindergarten. I also banged my head really hard on a post a week ago and nearly knocked myself out so hopefully I won't have forgotten to much. Yes...I do have an egg on my head and and it looks a bit funny and really hurts. I even called Matt at work and made him ring me at 30hour intervals to make sure I hadn't passed out. He was such a good nurse when I rang him after 45mins to say I was ok. I now have renewed empathy when the kids bang their heads.

I was starting to think that I was writing to much about sunny weather and picnics but there is no fear of an overload anymore as the weather has changed and it is trousers, jumpers and jackets...mostly rain jackets now. I even bought the Mouse a pair of rain trousers that look like fishing pants. Where we are living had 229% more rain than average for August (I love statistics) and that is saying somethings as it rains a lot here. Our cellar even flooded a little and I spent one morning moving the stuff of people who will be moving back in at the end of the month when we move downstairs. I hope they are nice. Matt and I are already thinking of the little house community that may be set up (WGmassig) as they have a little one too.

Excitingly we had family visit from the Netherlands last weekend. It was my Mum's cousins daughter (have no idea where punctuation goes there) and her husband and daughter. Even though we techinically know each other we have never spent anytime together so it was really nice to get to know them. We had a really lovely time with dinners, one out one at home, a trip to the zoo (with a fairly average dolphin show at the right time as it poured rain while we watched) and kids playing.
Home face painting

So with changing weather we have also changed our routine. The Bear and the Monkey go to Kindergarten every day in the morning and the Mouse goes to Playgroup. So I have some "free" time. I even went for a big swim the other day and it was so nice. I am so proud of the Bear and the Monkey. They have taken to kindergarten really well. Especially the Monkey who has never been to kindergarten so not only is the language a barrier but the routine itself. Luckily they have each other and are really happy every may have to do with the fact they get to ride their bikes. The Mouse loves playgroup (she had a week with the Monkey there and that settled her in). She grabs her bike helmet every morning and says Tschuss as she goes down the steps with Matt who drops her off.

We have added another member to our bike family and that is a little 1/4 violin. Each Monday the kids have a 15 min lesson each with the lovely Frau L. So we pack up the bike and head off over the other side of town. We even practiced yesterday afternoon and I have to remember not to be a stage mother and let them enjoy it!!!!!!! Sadly though I have decided not to have violin lessons as there just isn't enough time. I made the decision as I was riding to pick up a violin before the lesson. I just realised it would have caused me stress to not do it 100% and also I don't think I could have made it to enough lessons. So while I am sad I am also relieved, now I might even get back to making some art, after all I did spend a bit of time (and money I still owe the government) on that one.

So all in all an action packed week and a half for us. I think everyone will enjoy a sleep in and a relaxed morning morning after the first real week. I am pretty sure I didn't embarrass myself linguistically this week but who really knows. It is a good sign when nothing odd has been delivery to the house, I haven't been overcharged (there is a bakery I am not going to again after two instances) and I even managed to clear up that I was from Australia not Israel at the telephone shop, so ....I just keep on talking and hopefully I am not telling people that I like wearing brussel sprouts on my left leg on Wednesdays....or maybe I have this week due to the blow to the head.

Can't resist a good family bike photo.

The Mouse started gym classes yesterday so I am worried she may have plans to runaway and join this very sweet kid circus.

A bit blurry but a slice of life.

Cooler weather = hot chocolate (is it wrong to steal the lovely sugar bowl?)
Winding down before bed.

We miss everyone very much and are sending hugs and kisses (and of course hearty hand shakes from Matt)


  1. Hi Tash, Matt, Bear Monkey and Mouse

    The violin eh? Callum did that for a while. Wasn't sad to see it go. If Gen goes to St John's she will learn the violin from Year 2. Good reason not to go???

    Your adventures sound like lots of fun. Lucky you getting some "free" time every morning.

    Post photos of your art. I'd love to see what you do.

    Missing you too.


  2. Hey Tash ...,
    So good to hear what is going on, was getting withdrawal symptoms since your last post. Hope the head is ok. Em will be very Jealous she has been bugging me to learn Violin but they won't start her at the Con till she is seven.
    Love to all,

  3. hello and hugs to all,
    loving the photos, yes probably wrong to steal the sugar bowl, but I would want to too.
    Your new place looks very cool.
    Hope all is going well, and yay for you having free time, and everyone taking so well to their activities that are allowing you said time.
    chat soon

  4. Hey Tash!
    Good to hear from you - admittedly I've been away in Berlin so I haven't been reading for the last few days, but figured that before I start my epic blog-catch-up reading sessions, I'd just have a look to see what you've been upto.
    Hope your head is feeling better! If you don't have concussion, I'd recommend a nice glass of wine, y'know, in order to dull the pain. ;)
    And you can totally take the sugar bowl. No one will notice it missing. And on the rare occasion that someone does, just tell them that one of the kids knocked it off the counter, and that it broke. Too easy!
    Anyway, take care of yourself, and I'm sure we'll speak soon.

  5. Leanne, thanks for the artistic support now I will have to create something.
    Laura, I will use free time for emails and facebook, who needs groceries.
    Miss Liss, house good, can't wait to move downstairs as stairs driving me crazy and house could use a Miss Liss make over...luckily we have your cushions.
    Megan, jealous about Berlin and I thought about the "oops it broke" line too.
