Tuesday, 21 September 2010

The Potato Eaters (with a hint of lemon)

Talk about try a new food week.
At kindergarten the Bear and the Monkey made vegie soup and both declared a love of chunky potato and carrot. Not wanting to miss this opportunity we bought carrots at the weekend market to add to the bag of potatoes and last night made potato and carrot soup (plus salt and pepper for the grown ups) and as a follow up and a total embracing of German culture the Bear and Monkey are off to pick potatoes with kindergarten today. Matt is still less than convinced that potatoes can be used to make food other than chips but is keeping quiet about it.

Q: What do you do when you have a lovely vegan coming to visit, you promised cake and you look around the kitchen and see three lemons you bought thinking you needed them for a spinach pie?
A: Google "vegan lemon cake"

And what an answer I received. Normally I wouldn't bother writing a recipe here but this is fantastic and with Aunty J and clan cutting out dairy it could be helpful. I don't know how to credit the recipe author as I am not sure where the beginning is but let's just say that person is a genius!


1 large lemon (juice and rind)

1 ½ cups all purpose flour that's plain

1 cup sugar I had some demerara left in the cupboard and used the first time then just used caster, both good. In a rare 'too much sugar moment' the 4th time I made it I reduced the sugar to 1/2 a cup and it tasted just as good (with icing of course).

1 tsp. baking soda that's bicarb (or Natron in Germany)

6 tbsp. vegetable oil

1 tsp. vinegar (Yep, vinegar, but I promise you, you won’t taste it.)

1 tsp. vanilla no good cheap vanilla essence in Germany so added a vanilla sugar (proud of self for changing recipe)


Preheat oven to 350°. that's 180oC

Put flour, sugar and baking soda into a mixing bowl. Mix them together fairly well.

Then grate all your lemon rind into a measuring cup.

Then, take your already sorely abused lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice from both halves into your measuring cup.

Next add water to your rind and lemon juice until you have filled one cup.

Pour your lemon juice mixture into your bowl of dry ingredients.

Add oil.

Add vanilla.

Add vinegar.

Mix well.

Mixture will foam.

Pour into an baking paper lined 8 inch cake pan used a regular loaf tin. Bake 25 minutes took about 40mins, or until cake bounces back a bit when you touch its center.

Ice with your favorite vanilla frosting. ie icing sugar and lemon juice

I am sure it could make cupcakes too!

Other breaking news

Matt had a great time in Manchester and wowed the other nerds (some very big ones indeed) with his brilliance. He came home all excited and worn out like a kid home from a school camp and I am soaking his shirts where his pens leaked in his pockets! haha It was so sweet and so nice to have him back and he brought us a book each. He celebrated the next day by running 2 laps of the lake. I was starting to worry as he'd been gone so long so I had a second cup of tea and he returned triumphant...it is 11.5kms.

While he was gone the kids and I held the fort. And did a very good job except for breakfast on Friday which was healthy but fed in a moving system, oh and donuts for breaky on Saturday. The Bear washed up and the Monkey and Mouse were very helpful and everyone played well. We had a visitor on Friday night...the above mentioned vegan ie the lovely Fraulein M. It was Flohmarkt Saturday again, the last huge flea market for the season, though I found another this Saturday and am feeling flea market fatigue setting in...but you never know what you will find so must go. We set our alarms and everyone was up at 6 30. The children selfishly wanted a healthy breakfast before leaving so we packed the aforementioned donuts and headed of at about 7 30 to try to miss the crowds and get the good stuff. A slightly delayed start occurred when I had to ride at top speed back home as I forgot my wallet!!!!!!!!! I am sure I did the trip in record time while Fraulein M amused the kids. Donuts in hand and a double stroller we headed in. "Can we get this Mum" didn't actually last to long and we all got round, it took a couple of hours. The poor Mouse got upset at one stage but as she was the warmest and had eaten a cupcake we had no sympathy. It was freezing cold! Numb feet and sore hands made fumbling for change difficult. I really didn't bargain at all this time and was astounded by the chap who asked 1euro for a muffin tray and preferred a note over the 95cents I had. The tray was even dirty...I say people lighten up! The kids have all got snow pants now so I am happy and they all cost 4 euros and I got a stroller snowbag! Should be warm now. We also got the gummi bear light that the kids really wanted so they were very happy and that little fella shines really brightly all night. nearly forgot, I found a matching plate for the sugar bowl so I am obliged to steal it now. Finish this all off with a swim on Sunday morning where the Bear started swimming in the bigger pool without goggles and face under. Such a moment in his history! Now the Monkey can have the goggle as we were down to one pair (how sad). The Mouse loves the water as she wants to be with the big 2, she slides and wanders around like she owns the place.

Needless to say we all slept well on Sunday night. This week is take it easy week...can I do it? Kids had violin yesterday and really like it now must rush to the library now as the books are overdue. Maybe I am incapable of sitting still. Oh well as long as we are enjoying and not getting to tired.

I downloaded the kids camera last night and here are a few pics from their world view.


  1. ok, what an update,
    first of all, good for you changing a recipe, wow, what is this world coming to?
    Yay for potatoes, we're about to have potato and cauliflower curry for dinner (i know you needed to know that ;-)
    Good for Matt on the running, is that him in the last kid's photo? If so, does that photo come with cartoon running sound effects? 'cause it looks like it should. cool...hehe
    Miss you guys,
    love Liss

  2. Recipe changing, very proud of self. Matt wasn't in the last photo but I am hearing the sound effects too.

  3. Hey ladies!

    Grundy I made the lemon cake this afternoon for our book exchange (yes, I have found fellow nerds!) and it went down a treat! Thank you! It was a little undercooked (I cooked it for 30-35 minutes, I was running too late to cook it any longer!) but as ovens here don't seem to have settings (!!!!) it could have been a lot worse! you were right about only needing half a cup of sugar too, have confidence in your recipe changing!

    Liss your curry sounds mmmmmmmm. How did we end up in three different continents? I miss you hipsters.

    Lots of love


  4. Just saw this comment, better late than never. Glad the cake was well received. I have made it so many times now. I have no idea how we ended up all over the place but I am incredibly happy that it is seems like you are both just around the corner. Whilst Miss L is definitely a hipster thanks for including me in the hipster collective.
