Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Guten Morgan

I just can't work it out. I know I am a bit of an over smiler to strangers in public. Mostly to people with dogs and/or babies but the startled looks the German grandmothers give me when I smile at them with their grandchildren has made me stop as I fear a heart attack my be on my conscious. So you can imagine my surprise when sitting in a waiting room yesterday everyone kept saying Morgan and Tschuss every time someone came in and out. At first I tried to keep up with the pace but as people had to come back in for their coats I quickly became hoarse and slowed my pace. Then I gave up when the receptionist asked me a question and outed me as a non native speaker so the whole show was over for me and I buried myself in an interior design magazine.

Today the Bear had his second football training session and as the field was muddy I spent a whole 10Euros and bought him a pair of sneakers that could pass as boots (it is kindy soccer so very low key) Anyway they were great and purple and WAY to BIG. So having dropped both big kids back at kindy for the afternoon the Mouse and I peddled at break neck speed into town to change the boots for a smaller size in boring but functional black. Then back to the field in record time, even with a huge head wind for a quick shoe change and home to swap over the washing. A quick chat followed with the old lady who cleans the stairwell (????) the then back to the field just in time to see the Bear stomp in the biggest puddle and have a go at the ball and then onto kindy to pick up the Monkey and her homemade kite which made its way home on her handlebars.

I thank my freezer for the delicious potato and leek soup no fuss dinner (stored by Matt) and the kids for for not arguing about the small stuff today. Though not a day goes by without counting to 3 numerous times. Thanks to Frau G at playgroup whom the Mouse loves and thanks also to grandmas who sent excellent craft stuff which filled in the hour after dinner. Now I am looking forward to the camp out tonight in my room. Though I am sure I will end up with the Monkey's knee in my back all night.
No time for photos today I was to busy peddling.

1 comment:

  1. I live in fear of that moment where I get outed as a non-native-speaker... or even a non-German-speaker sometimes, when I really don't understand what they're trying to ask me. I also live in fear of people thinking that I'm in some way related to the British Army Base here. I'm definitely getting more crazy, the longer I live here!

    By the way, I also get a lot of unfriendly looks from people when I'm out walking. The old people especially seem to hate me, and lots of people don't make eye contact. However, the other day I went out for a jog and was feeling a bit post-run rabid (aka, sweaty and disgusting) when I smiled at another runner... and she actually smiled back, with one of those "I know exactly how you feel!" type looks. Keep smiling - the few times you get a response are more than worth it. :)
