Monday 13 September 2010

potatoes,ikea and a marathon

I often ponder the machinations of fate (for want of a better word) - maybe karma or social justice could also be used. The latest moment that made me ponder further occurred as follows. As I was jubilantly gazing at my home delivered Ikea catalogue sitting in the grate of my front door the bag of potatoes I was carrying decided it just couldn't go 2 metres further to the kitchen bench and split open, dousing my feet and the surrounding garden in potatoes. So it wasn't a Gallileo universe altering moment but it did seem to be choreographed. Having collected my potatoes and delivered them to the bench and picked up the kids from Kindergarten I managed a quick look at said Ikea catalogue, before peeling said potatoes.

We have been trying to settle into the kindergarten routine but the kids decided that this was the week to sleep until 7 30am instead of 6 30am so we were a little late every day. We could drop them off at 7 30 but we aimed for 8 15 and have managed 8 45 most days. So we are far from a well oiled kindergarten machine.

We have had two weekends of nice weather so the summer of festivals continued. Two weekends ago it was action packed quite frankly I am looking forward to winter when I don't feel compelled to attend festivals. There was the kids festival at the hospital where the older ladies making waffles were overwhelmed by the turnout, but we still waited in line for the waffles. Then on Sunday was an environment festival at an organic farm not far from our house. It was loads of fun, even Matt liked it. The Mouse was fascinated by the drumming group. She sat and watched, went to the toilet and was straight back watching, right down the front totally without us. By far the highlight for the kids was the tractor ride. Actually we all really liked it especially Herr W who was visiting.

The Bear started kindergarten football (soccer) last week and he seemed to like it. Hopefully he will like week 2 which is always the hardest. He has been talking more and more about getting a 'team' shirt so we will have to look into that. Though I think he means a Germany team shirt, may be mean to buy him a bright yellow Australian one...or it could be the coolest thing in the room. It is a hard parental call. The Monkey went to Gymnastics again but this time in a leotard and tights looking very 1980's and so cute and loved it (I chose her clothes) Bear joined in when he saw they had slides set up so I think they will both go which is good as he has to come along anyway. The Mouse also loves it as she gets to run around the hall and climb on the seating.

The big highlight of this weekend, apart from really warm weather on Saturday was the marathon on Sunday (not such nice weather but great marathon weather). It went straight past our street. So we went for a swim early and saw the very beginning then rode home through the marathon. It is the great thing about a bike city, even when the streets are closed to cars you can get a bike everywhere. We were polite and stayed to the footpath but there were bikes everywhere. My favourite image was the poncho girl peddling casually along surrounded by runners as if she was exactly where she should be. We ate our lunch sitting on the wall at the end of our street (the 38th km) watching the runners. Matt now has a 5 year plan to run a marathon. I must say that the ballroom dancing exhibition, actually just the 'Dirty Dancing' final dance with the stupid arm shake (you know the dance I'm talking about people) near the finishing line which I just say on TV was a little out of order as a loose twirl or a poorly executed lift could have cause a real accident.

Sunday night we went to a party for our old neighbour. He turned 1. His family is from India so we had the best Indian fest ever and enjoyed the celebrations.

So that was our last two weeks. Incoming weeks I will learn how to use the word 'too' properly. Now I am off to have some Nutella toast as Nutella was on special AGAIN.


  1. hello
    what a action packed time you've been having, can just see miss monkey in her 80's style gym gear, mr bear looks good as a 'princess'robot, he's rockin' that look.
    yay for ikea catolgue, imagining the look on your face fall as the potatoes did ;-)
    miss you all, chat soon

  2. Sounds like you've been having a great time! If you ever want to make the trek to Ikea (is Bielefeld the closest?), you know I'm never far away... ;)
    I have incredibly fond memories of Kindergym, and of playing soccer, so I hope the kids continue to love them! I have this vision of Mouse turning into some kind of drum-circle flower-child... or simply one of those kids who really enjoys playing pots & pans starting from about age 2! hehe.
    See you soon!

  3. Cal discovered Nutella toast this week (Thanks Chloe) Now he screams and points every time the jar is in sight, I guess its nutella Pizza for Dinner!!!
