Sunday 25 July 2010

new feats and the zoo

Happy 60th Birthday Papa drawings of cakes and crowns.
New feats...literally
The Mouse has really come along in leaps and bounds in the last week. Thankfully she is back to her happy and relaxed self, though sleeping for longer stretches at night wouldn't go astray. She has started to really communicate definite wants. Yesterday she was hungry and pointed to the kitchen and when we followed her in she went to the fridge (not as easy to find as you think as it is the same as all the other cupboards) then pointed to the cheese when we opened it. She also has so many new sounds and like the other two and her mum loves to have a chat.

As Matt spent most of Saturday in bed (9 euro all you can drink and 4am don't really mix at 37) the kids and I went adventuring on the bike. I was a bit wobbly at first but got the knack of the trailer quickly. As it is wider than the bike you have to be careful. I need whiskers. Though as people were passing me (4 people one bike) in all directions I realised I have to work on my "oh my god my legs are burning but no problems here" face. So today Matt made it up to us by taking us to the zoo. I am think of building a wasserbahn (water playground) out of wood myself as i enjoyed it so much, made me think I was in a middle ages where is that blacksmith???


  1. Whoa, congrats on being able to pull the kid-trailer! I'm sure you'll be up to speed with the other cyclists (pain-free expression perfected) in next to no time.
    9 Euro all-you-can-drink made me laugh. 9 Euro would be a waste of money for me, seeing as how I probably couldn't drink 9 Euro worth of beer if I tried. Alcohol in this country is ridicuously cheap, and I'm ridiculously lightweight.

  2. great photos, that guinea pig(?) village, how cute! Nice work re the bike and trailer, I have mental image of you with big whiskers on a bike, with a serene to all
