Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Bear in a box reads "Fox in Soxs"

I knew my love of chatting would come in handy. Reasons to love the elderly just keep popping up. We met a lovely lady at the bus stop today. We had a lovely chat, then she gave the kids 20 euro cents each because they were being so good at the bus stop. I think I understood about one third of what she said but I made the right facial expressions at the right times (I think)...anyway she didn't take the money back. It was perfect as I have taken to bribing the children with money for a big flea market on Saturday in return for helpful behaviour so the trip bus trip home was full of Bear and Monkey chat about possible purchases. They have decided the Mouse needs a pull along dog.
Also today I got given a twin maclaren stroller. Another family are leaving at the end of the month and they have two (as this one is a bit rusty) but who knows it may last forever or break tomorrow...I'll let you know. Matt's chatting also paid off and he is off to look at and, I dare say buy a kid trailer for the bikes. The Bear must be sick of walking as he keeps looking up kid trailers on the internet, he says he has to do his job. He can be so serious sometimes. Needless to say I am very excited.

1 comment:

  1. hi guys,
    how cute that they want to buy the mouse a pull along dog....(dog on wheels!)
    Hope the various other things on wheels are all ace, being chatty is indeed a good thing.
