A touch of home (thanks Miss Liss)
Who needs more than 2 rooms when you have cupboards

Finding my bike legs! Eeek

The Promenade a beautiful (and busy) place to ride.
Took my first bike ride today. The destination wasn't so interesting (the train station) but the ride was brilliant. The weather in the mornings is nice and cool and riding along the promenade was lovely. It will take me a while to get my bike legs as i was a bit nervous when i had to join the traffic to turn left. I think bikes have right of way but I'm not going to test that one out.
I also survived my first washing day, though i did send the bear and monkey to the playgroup offered here for a couple of hours. Luckily there was space today, apparently it is a closed book at the moment. Anyway with the mouse in the ergo carrier we went down the stairs, up the stairs, back down the stairs to the laundry in the cellar. 3 hours-2 loads washed and dried and one washed and one the airer. It was like a elite sport and I think Matt will have to come home as he did today as i was watching the clock like a mad women towards 1pm and trying to organise lunch and sleeps. It seems ridiculous to dry washing in a dryer when the weather is so beautiful.
The bear and monkey have been keeping journals and we had a very relaxing time doing that when the mouse was asleep. I will have to admit that blogging does mean i can't indulge my cutting and pasting of collected things in a little book. So I hijacked the mouses' journal today for a bit of collage with arrows and descriptions...i just had to.
I have my thumbs pressed firmly down (as the Germans say) that Germany beat Spain tonight. As something went wrong last night and i couldn't post we all know that Germany lost 1-0 to Spain, let's not say another word.