Thursday, 11 November 2010

shoes, rain and lanterns

Things I have learnt today
1. Wrap a plastic bag around your lantern when it rains as it prevent it disintegrating....learnt this to late.
2. If you procrastinate long enough good things can happen

Today is St Martin's Day. He was a roman soldier who shared his cloak with a poor man. Big day here as it is the day kids make lanterns and go to the church (yes I went to church) and then walk the streets with their lanterns singing. Now, no one loves a good bit of public singing more than me, I have been hot housing the kids with the lyrics of 3 songs all week so we would be ready. Unfortunately it rained so no street march and even though there was singing in the church it wasn't the same. The kids and I were very brave about it and even though we are sad it rained we aren't going to dwell on it....except for the 5 minutes I will spend talking about every 11 th of November from now on. As we had to walk to the church around the corner and we went with a friend who has 4 kids and the kids sung the songs (voluntarily, I didn't even prompt) it was just like the real thing. I tried to upload a little video of the kids singing but failed. Trust me the Monkey has her mother's voice. This picture will have to do. Some very helpful boys from kindergarten told the Bear and Monkey they had baby lanterns as they were quite a bit smaller than the rest. In my defense it was our first go and they all looked small on the internet when I goggled making lanterns. Luckily the kids laughed at the comments.
The Monkey did actually have a good time.

St Martins Goose made by the Bear at kindergarten, it did have a tail but it got eaten on the way home. All of the Monkey's got eaten on the way home.

Herr Fitz has been in the mother country all week at a big nerdy conference and said it was good and of course he put his 2 cents worth in. It finished today and now he should be buying me tea and frys chocolate bars. The kids have missed their Dad so much and have been helpful more often than not so no one has gone insane. The Monkey said tonight that she was going to dream of Daddy. I am trying to work out how much I should tell him I paid for my new winter boots and as I can't lie i know I am going to fess up. He only has himself to blame as he was the one who found the shop.
Check out these little beauties

In my favour I have been boring people and accosting people about boot brands (thank you Frau K for the tips about the frog brand) but the best point is I got them for nearly half price. Yes yes I know "all pots half price" is just a selling ploy but aren't these boots magnificent. As it was an outlet shop I knew asking if they had the black in 38 was stupid but gave it a shot. Answer No!!So I spent a good 20mins with the brown 37s which fitted my right foot just fine but the left wasn't so happy. Just as I was wondering if buying slightly ill fitting boots for such a price was stupidity the shop assistance magically found a black pair in 38. I managed to refrain from any sort of inappropriate hugging and just flashed my credit card. See phaffing about pays off.


  1. hi lady,
    loving the lanterns- you in church? that is something! ;-)
    Is the mouse listening to you sing in that photo?
    No, that's mean, sorry, she sure would have that face if she heard me sing...
    Tres cool boots, and great 'boots on chair shot'.I think such boots are just a practical necessity for a northern hemisphere winter, especially with all the bike riding.
    Best go and do some work, take care,
    hugs x.

  2. of course I meant the monkey - what am I like? Getting them mixed up like that, they're all too damn cute is what they are...

  3. Thanks for the boots support Miss Liss they are fabulous. I got the Monkey and the Mouse mixed up on an update once and didn't realise until a comment came back.
    Love ya xxoo
