Tuesday, 28 September 2010

In things to come

  • recipe box
  • velcro as a security feature
  • moving excitement
  • love all all things waterproof

Pirate and Lego Crazy

Last really warm day I am sure so a bit of backyard football.
Sorry about the crazy font changing last post. I wasn't yelling the last part of it, I thought I got the right one and didn't have time to change it. Started off the weekend with a grown up dinner on Friday night where we got the kids to bed early then friends from Australia the lovely Miss F and Mr M brought some great fresh wine and we ate, drank and chatted the night away. The deep rain hole that was forecast for us on the weekend didn't come until yesterday (when I decided to do the gocery shopping on the bike...but that is another story) so we enjoyed the sun and went into town and to the zoo. Even though it wasn't raining it was cold and we were underdressed so have offically embarked on "take a parka everywhere" month.

The trip to town was to let the kids spend their pocket money at the most wonderful toy shop in the world (will take camera next time). The Monkey wanted a pirate eye patch (as it is the only pirate thing really hard to make from paper) and the Bear whose toy tastes are increasing had his eye on some robot lego. The Mouse was just happy to come along for the ride in the toy tram. After the obligatory toilet stops whilst in the toy shop (this is a paternal family trait) and the loss of the Monkey whilst I was taking the Bear to the loo which resulted in a very flustered father and a very upset girl for the couple of minutes she was alone we got all the requirements and just enjoyed the lovely shop, except the Monkey who was so shaken up she just kept saying "can we go home now". Then of course there was the much more boring search of trousers and winter shoes.

Matt now to be know as Herr Fitz as it is much more dignified and better suited to someone who received a excellent book review has become "the outdoor type". In the beginning he faked a liking of the outdoors to get the girl but after a Sunday where he voluntarily took the Bear to the pool as he has started swimming alone and really wanted to practice then met the Monkey, Mouse and myself at the zoo he has regained the title. Somehow the Monkey has turned into a princess loving horsey girl (with a good dose of pirate still there) and has been quite desperate to ride her bike to the zoo. So we combined all her likes and went to the zoo and saw a Baroque horse show ie two girls in princess dresses riding around the ring. She loved it and was tapping her foot to the music whilst the Bear was stating it was a bit "girlish". The Mouse just loves climbing the rock stairs at the zoo and running around after the big kids. A very relaxing day that of course included a large serve of hot chips and mayonaise.

Now to much more mundane things like sweeping the pencil shavings off the floor and washing up. Hoping all our lovely folk had a good weekend too.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

The Potato Eaters (with a hint of lemon)

Talk about try a new food week.
At kindergarten the Bear and the Monkey made vegie soup and both declared a love of chunky potato and carrot. Not wanting to miss this opportunity we bought carrots at the weekend market to add to the bag of potatoes and last night made potato and carrot soup (plus salt and pepper for the grown ups) and as a follow up and a total embracing of German culture the Bear and Monkey are off to pick potatoes with kindergarten today. Matt is still less than convinced that potatoes can be used to make food other than chips but is keeping quiet about it.

Q: What do you do when you have a lovely vegan coming to visit, you promised cake and you look around the kitchen and see three lemons you bought thinking you needed them for a spinach pie?
A: Google "vegan lemon cake"

And what an answer I received. Normally I wouldn't bother writing a recipe here but this is fantastic and with Aunty J and clan cutting out dairy it could be helpful. I don't know how to credit the recipe author as I am not sure where the beginning is but let's just say that person is a genius!


1 large lemon (juice and rind)

1 ½ cups all purpose flour that's plain

1 cup sugar I had some demerara left in the cupboard and used the first time then just used caster, both good. In a rare 'too much sugar moment' the 4th time I made it I reduced the sugar to 1/2 a cup and it tasted just as good (with icing of course).

1 tsp. baking soda that's bicarb (or Natron in Germany)

6 tbsp. vegetable oil

1 tsp. vinegar (Yep, vinegar, but I promise you, you won’t taste it.)

1 tsp. vanilla no good cheap vanilla essence in Germany so added a vanilla sugar (proud of self for changing recipe)


Preheat oven to 350°. that's 180oC

Put flour, sugar and baking soda into a mixing bowl. Mix them together fairly well.

Then grate all your lemon rind into a measuring cup.

Then, take your already sorely abused lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice from both halves into your measuring cup.

Next add water to your rind and lemon juice until you have filled one cup.

Pour your lemon juice mixture into your bowl of dry ingredients.

Add oil.

Add vanilla.

Add vinegar.

Mix well.

Mixture will foam.

Pour into an baking paper lined 8 inch cake pan used a regular loaf tin. Bake 25 minutes took about 40mins, or until cake bounces back a bit when you touch its center.

Ice with your favorite vanilla frosting. ie icing sugar and lemon juice

I am sure it could make cupcakes too!

Other breaking news

Matt had a great time in Manchester and wowed the other nerds (some very big ones indeed) with his brilliance. He came home all excited and worn out like a kid home from a school camp and I am soaking his shirts where his pens leaked in his pockets! haha It was so sweet and so nice to have him back and he brought us a book each. He celebrated the next day by running 2 laps of the lake. I was starting to worry as he'd been gone so long so I had a second cup of tea and he returned triumphant...it is 11.5kms.

While he was gone the kids and I held the fort. And did a very good job except for breakfast on Friday which was healthy but fed in a moving system, oh and donuts for breaky on Saturday. The Bear washed up and the Monkey and Mouse were very helpful and everyone played well. We had a visitor on Friday night...the above mentioned vegan ie the lovely Fraulein M. It was Flohmarkt Saturday again, the last huge flea market for the season, though I found another this Saturday and am feeling flea market fatigue setting in...but you never know what you will find so must go. We set our alarms and everyone was up at 6 30. The children selfishly wanted a healthy breakfast before leaving so we packed the aforementioned donuts and headed of at about 7 30 to try to miss the crowds and get the good stuff. A slightly delayed start occurred when I had to ride at top speed back home as I forgot my wallet!!!!!!!!! I am sure I did the trip in record time while Fraulein M amused the kids. Donuts in hand and a double stroller we headed in. "Can we get this Mum" didn't actually last to long and we all got round, it took a couple of hours. The poor Mouse got upset at one stage but as she was the warmest and had eaten a cupcake we had no sympathy. It was freezing cold! Numb feet and sore hands made fumbling for change difficult. I really didn't bargain at all this time and was astounded by the chap who asked 1euro for a muffin tray and preferred a note over the 95cents I had. The tray was even dirty...I say people lighten up! The kids have all got snow pants now so I am happy and they all cost 4 euros and I got a stroller snowbag! Should be warm now. We also got the gummi bear light that the kids really wanted so they were very happy and that little fella shines really brightly all night. nearly forgot, I found a matching plate for the sugar bowl so I am obliged to steal it now. Finish this all off with a swim on Sunday morning where the Bear started swimming in the bigger pool without goggles and face under. Such a moment in his history! Now the Monkey can have the goggle as we were down to one pair (how sad). The Mouse loves the water as she wants to be with the big 2, she slides and wanders around like she owns the place.

Needless to say we all slept well on Sunday night. This week is take it easy week...can I do it? Kids had violin yesterday and really like it now must rush to the library now as the books are overdue. Maybe I am incapable of sitting still. Oh well as long as we are enjoying and not getting to tired.

I downloaded the kids camera last night and here are a few pics from their world view.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Much needed Craft

It was so nice to come home from the kindy run today and see the washing up done. It was even sweeter to know that the Bear had done it and promised he would do it everyday... I can only dream.
We did some much needed craft today. They don't seem to do undirected sticking and gluing of boxes and old containers at kindergarten (I blame the gelbe sacke, recycling). So after lunchboxes were finished and a little tv watched out came the stuff. The Mouse even joined in rearranging the pencils over and over again.
Then off to gymnastics to wear them out so they really sleep well. The Monkey even ate all her dinner for the first time ever!

I made contact with another neighbour today and probably did nothing to dispell the "crazy foreigner" myth I am sure is going around the street. The chap was driving out and his dog was following the car. So I waved, possibly wildly and said der Hund and mumbled a bit. Then I noticed the extremely well groomed family who were getting into the other car (slightly around the corner) and he politely said something and smiled and I smiled and said "Alles Gut" and spent the next 10 minutes after he drove off reviewing the appalling use of communication forms...mime included. Later in the day the Bear corrected my German. When I said clean up he repeated it properly to me...oops..at least they are learning in kindergarten
In other news: Who let the work experience kid operate the rice to chocolate ratio machine. Potatoes in background (in focus) to prove we eat healthy food too. Thus I had to eat double the normal amount to compensate for rice taking up valuable chocolate space.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Guten Morgan

I just can't work it out. I know I am a bit of an over smiler to strangers in public. Mostly to people with dogs and/or babies but the startled looks the German grandmothers give me when I smile at them with their grandchildren has made me stop as I fear a heart attack my be on my conscious. So you can imagine my surprise when sitting in a waiting room yesterday everyone kept saying Morgan and Tschuss every time someone came in and out. At first I tried to keep up with the pace but as people had to come back in for their coats I quickly became hoarse and slowed my pace. Then I gave up when the receptionist asked me a question and outed me as a non native speaker so the whole show was over for me and I buried myself in an interior design magazine.

Today the Bear had his second football training session and as the field was muddy I spent a whole 10Euros and bought him a pair of sneakers that could pass as boots (it is kindy soccer so very low key) Anyway they were great and purple and WAY to BIG. So having dropped both big kids back at kindy for the afternoon the Mouse and I peddled at break neck speed into town to change the boots for a smaller size in boring but functional black. Then back to the field in record time, even with a huge head wind for a quick shoe change and home to swap over the washing. A quick chat followed with the old lady who cleans the stairwell (????) the then back to the field just in time to see the Bear stomp in the biggest puddle and have a go at the ball and then onto kindy to pick up the Monkey and her homemade kite which made its way home on her handlebars.

I thank my freezer for the delicious potato and leek soup no fuss dinner (stored by Matt) and the kids for for not arguing about the small stuff today. Though not a day goes by without counting to 3 numerous times. Thanks to Frau G at playgroup whom the Mouse loves and thanks also to grandmas who sent excellent craft stuff which filled in the hour after dinner. Now I am looking forward to the camp out tonight in my room. Though I am sure I will end up with the Monkey's knee in my back all night.
No time for photos today I was to busy peddling.

Monday, 13 September 2010

potatoes,ikea and a marathon

I often ponder the machinations of fate (for want of a better word) - maybe karma or social justice could also be used. The latest moment that made me ponder further occurred as follows. As I was jubilantly gazing at my home delivered Ikea catalogue sitting in the grate of my front door the bag of potatoes I was carrying decided it just couldn't go 2 metres further to the kitchen bench and split open, dousing my feet and the surrounding garden in potatoes. So it wasn't a Gallileo universe altering moment but it did seem to be choreographed. Having collected my potatoes and delivered them to the bench and picked up the kids from Kindergarten I managed a quick look at said Ikea catalogue, before peeling said potatoes.

We have been trying to settle into the kindergarten routine but the kids decided that this was the week to sleep until 7 30am instead of 6 30am so we were a little late every day. We could drop them off at 7 30 but we aimed for 8 15 and have managed 8 45 most days. So we are far from a well oiled kindergarten machine.

We have had two weekends of nice weather so the summer of festivals continued. Two weekends ago it was action packed quite frankly I am looking forward to winter when I don't feel compelled to attend festivals. There was the kids festival at the hospital where the older ladies making waffles were overwhelmed by the turnout, but we still waited in line for the waffles. Then on Sunday was an environment festival at an organic farm not far from our house. It was loads of fun, even Matt liked it. The Mouse was fascinated by the drumming group. She sat and watched, went to the toilet and was straight back watching, right down the front totally without us. By far the highlight for the kids was the tractor ride. Actually we all really liked it especially Herr W who was visiting.

The Bear started kindergarten football (soccer) last week and he seemed to like it. Hopefully he will like week 2 which is always the hardest. He has been talking more and more about getting a 'team' shirt so we will have to look into that. Though I think he means a Germany team shirt, may be mean to buy him a bright yellow Australian one...or it could be the coolest thing in the room. It is a hard parental call. The Monkey went to Gymnastics again but this time in a leotard and tights looking very 1980's and so cute and loved it (I chose her clothes) Bear joined in when he saw they had slides set up so I think they will both go which is good as he has to come along anyway. The Mouse also loves it as she gets to run around the hall and climb on the seating.

The big highlight of this weekend, apart from really warm weather on Saturday was the marathon on Sunday (not such nice weather but great marathon weather). It went straight past our street. So we went for a swim early and saw the very beginning then rode home through the marathon. It is the great thing about a bike city, even when the streets are closed to cars you can get a bike everywhere. We were polite and stayed to the footpath but there were bikes everywhere. My favourite image was the poncho girl peddling casually along surrounded by runners as if she was exactly where she should be. We ate our lunch sitting on the wall at the end of our street (the 38th km) watching the runners. Matt now has a 5 year plan to run a marathon. I must say that the ballroom dancing exhibition, actually just the 'Dirty Dancing' final dance with the stupid arm shake (you know the dance I'm talking about people) near the finishing line which I just say on TV was a little out of order as a loose twirl or a poorly executed lift could have cause a real accident.

Sunday night we went to a party for our old neighbour. He turned 1. His family is from India so we had the best Indian fest ever and enjoyed the celebrations.

So that was our last two weeks. Incoming weeks I will learn how to use the word 'too' properly. Now I am off to have some Nutella toast as Nutella was on special AGAIN.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Not so technically savvy.

Ok so I tried and failed to leave a comment on my own blog. Thanks to all for the comments from last post. Will try to leave a comment again but...
Second violin lesson went well and the Bear even woke up at about 4am and declared it was time to get up as it was violin lesson day.

By the way my head is much better and up to the stage when it hurts to touch a little but I keep touching it anyway to test weather the area has shrunk. I know this is extremely childish but I thought I'd admit it anyway.

Friday, 3 September 2010

Dear Diary sorry it has been so long.

Dear Diary sorry I have neglected you for so long. It has been a really busy couple of weeks with visitors from The Netherlands and big kids starting Kindergarten. I also banged my head really hard on a post a week ago and nearly knocked myself out so hopefully I won't have forgotten to much. Yes...I do have an egg on my head and and it looks a bit funny and really hurts. I even called Matt at work and made him ring me at 30hour intervals to make sure I hadn't passed out. He was such a good nurse when I rang him after 45mins to say I was ok. I now have renewed empathy when the kids bang their heads.

I was starting to think that I was writing to much about sunny weather and picnics but there is no fear of an overload anymore as the weather has changed and it is trousers, jumpers and jackets...mostly rain jackets now. I even bought the Mouse a pair of rain trousers that look like fishing pants. Where we are living had 229% more rain than average for August (I love statistics) and that is saying somethings as it rains a lot here. Our cellar even flooded a little and I spent one morning moving the stuff of people who will be moving back in at the end of the month when we move downstairs. I hope they are nice. Matt and I are already thinking of the little house community that may be set up (WGmassig) as they have a little one too.

Excitingly we had family visit from the Netherlands last weekend. It was my Mum's cousins daughter (have no idea where punctuation goes there) and her husband and daughter. Even though we techinically know each other we have never spent anytime together so it was really nice to get to know them. We had a really lovely time with dinners, one out one at home, a trip to the zoo (with a fairly average dolphin show at the right time as it poured rain while we watched) and kids playing.
Home face painting

So with changing weather we have also changed our routine. The Bear and the Monkey go to Kindergarten every day in the morning and the Mouse goes to Playgroup. So I have some "free" time. I even went for a big swim the other day and it was so nice. I am so proud of the Bear and the Monkey. They have taken to kindergarten really well. Especially the Monkey who has never been to kindergarten so not only is the language a barrier but the routine itself. Luckily they have each other and are really happy every morning....it may have to do with the fact they get to ride their bikes. The Mouse loves playgroup (she had a week with the Monkey there and that settled her in). She grabs her bike helmet every morning and says Tschuss as she goes down the steps with Matt who drops her off.

We have added another member to our bike family and that is a little 1/4 violin. Each Monday the kids have a 15 min lesson each with the lovely Frau L. So we pack up the bike and head off over the other side of town. We even practiced yesterday afternoon and I have to remember not to be a stage mother and let them enjoy it!!!!!!! Sadly though I have decided not to have violin lessons as there just isn't enough time. I made the decision as I was riding to pick up a violin before the lesson. I just realised it would have caused me stress to not do it 100% and also I don't think I could have made it to enough lessons. So while I am sad I am also relieved, now I might even get back to making some art, after all I did spend a bit of time (and money I still owe the government) on that one.

So all in all an action packed week and a half for us. I think everyone will enjoy a sleep in and a relaxed morning morning after the first real week. I am pretty sure I didn't embarrass myself linguistically this week but who really knows. It is a good sign when nothing odd has been delivery to the house, I haven't been overcharged (there is a bakery I am not going to again after two instances) and I even managed to clear up that I was from Australia not Israel at the telephone shop, so ....I just keep on talking and hopefully I am not telling people that I like wearing brussel sprouts on my left leg on Wednesdays....or maybe I have this week due to the blow to the head.

Can't resist a good family bike photo.

The Mouse started gym classes yesterday so I am worried she may have plans to runaway and join this very sweet kid circus.

A bit blurry but a slice of life.

Cooler weather = hot chocolate (is it wrong to steal the lovely sugar bowl?)
Winding down before bed.

We miss everyone very much and are sending hugs and kisses (and of course hearty hand shakes from Matt)