So many new words the last two weeks and a whole new world unfolds.
It started on Friday, the weather got a little warmer. Then it got a even better on Saturday. The sun shone and when you felt it on the few exposed parts of your body that popped out from ones coat the vague hope that spring was nearly here began sounding less crazy. Zippers were undone and jackets let open. The whole of Germany headed outside and started to 'frolic'...I know, not a word you think of when you normally think of Germans but it is true, spring is a wonderful thing. We packed as much into Saturday as we could as we knew it might be short lived. Herr Fitz also had to shake all the dust off from his trip the the archives in Munich. Firstly a trip to the Botanic Gardens for a little picnic and a wander around. Having been so energetic we then went for giant ice creams except for the Mouse who fell asleep and stayed in the bike trailer just next to our table so shhh don't tell her she missed out. As the Monkey sat with her Kleine Portion of ice cream ie 2 scoops with a waffle she melted our hearts by quietly declaring it to be "The Best Day of My Life". Then a quick bit of grocery shopping which was oddly not a let down after the ice cream experience as the Monkey and Bear got to help, a fast pedal home, a ten minute sit down and back on the bikes to the park.
It is such a great thing to be picked up by friends on all kinds of wheeled objects. The park was in full swing and we are still very unsure of the rules of the weird Swedish game where chunks of wood are thrown. Such a lot of fun, swings, flying fox and a seven year old who was heaps better than Herr Fitz at football. All rounded off with chocolate banana muffins. By the way muffins in a German word too and you don't have to use any accent when you say it so it is just muffins not moofins as we have often said.
Then Sunday came the heating was turned down a bit more but as it was cloudy a day at home was in order. Sunday night or what will always in my mind and perhaps in the furnishings and wall coverings be called Stinky Cheese Night or if you want to use the right term Racclette Night began. Stories were read to the kids and they were put to bed as the naked flame was lit and the stinky cheese was sliced. Apparently Racclette has to be eaten in a very scientific manner so in the name of science and good health I forced myself to participate in the drinking of white wine to bring out the flavours and the drinking of schnapps to break up the cheese enzymes in the gut. If only I had gone for the tea option which apparently does close enough to the same thing I wouldn't have had to apologies to the neighbours up stairs for us (ok just Frau F and myself as Herr Fitz luckily realised one parent had to be responsible and Herr M was incredibly ill) being a little loud with a window partially open due to cheese smell until 2am. The neighbours were very nice and complimented Frau F and myself on our singing. This was quite surprising to me as I couldn't recall any singing but assumed it was something from the 80's or by John Denver or Neil Diamond. As sad as these options sound the truth was even sadder as we had puddled our way through a rendition of 'There's a Hole in your Bucket Dear Liza Dear Liza'. What is even worse is that Herr Fitz had to feed us the lyrics as we were doing such a bad job but wouldn't stop. As a rainy but still warmer (12 degrees celcius) Monday came around far too quickly for some a very slow start was made and the process of airing the house of cheese smell began.
Rain stopped and Monday warmed up a bit more, we ate lunch outside albeit in our coats and by Tuesday we got rid of the coats and enjoyed lunch on our balcony this time with Frau M who was heading back to Australia later in the week followed by a play in the park. All just wearing our cardigans, and pants of course. Then Wednesday came and we all froze as winter returned but no-one was dressed for it.
Things that were learnt this week include:
- a 5 year old with a cough that has lasted five weeks does require antibiotics
- friends are excellent things be they brand new or old, in person or via skype, facebook, email or even via homemade envelopes
- spring will come, maybe not punctually on the 21st of March but it will get warmer.
- when you promise to ride to Holland at 1am you are going to be held to your word.
I'm glad to hear that you've finally been given some antibiotics! Honestly, German doctors are such quacks. Hope you guys are all well! xoxo