(Posts are a bit close together as my computer broke.....again so am using Herr Fitz's. It won't let me put photos where I want so it took me a few days to come to terms with this and realise the computer wasn't going to change no matter how much I gave it the cold shoulder)
After a couple of very sweet playdates to finish the week off our weekend began with sunshine. Spring seems to be showing itself only for the weekends at the moment which no-one is complaining about. I made my kids very happy this weekend as I found two leotards and soccer gear for the kids at a 2nd Hand sale and didn't spend too much so even Herr Fitz was very happy and somewhat relieved. We sent our Knight and Princess off to a Knight Party (Ritter Geburtstagsfeier) on Saturday afternoon, unzipped our jackets and headed off for a walk around the lake with our little Mouse to enjoy the sunshine. Earlier in the day the Monkey told me she had told a little boy in her class they were in Lieb (love) as you can imagine I was quite happy to see he was Prince Charming at the party. When we went to pick the kids up there were knights and princesses toasting stockbrot (damper on a stick) on an open fire. The barbeque was being fired up for the grown ups as the rattle of bottles being brought up from the cellar by the court jester was heard. By saying this I mean we got a lovely invitation to stay on a bit after we picked up the kids and had a cold but fantastic evening jumping on the trampoline (kids not grown ups), watching others grill wurst and eating a fantastic haloumi bruscetta. Ok so I made the haloumi salad and I am quite proud of it. As the light disappeared and the kids whinging to go home became too much to ignore (it was 4 degrees so if was also justified) we headed home on our trusty steeds.
Woke up this morning to sunshine and -2 degrees with the belief that it will get warm enough to sit out on the verandah this afternoon and eat scones. Best go cook them.
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