Thanks for everyone's worry about the kids and the government visit. It was very remiss of me to launch straight into a story about a days shopping without first saying the visit was fine. It would have been worse if I said I went to the races but as they both centre around new shoes both are probably as bad as each other. The social worker was very lovely and only stayed about 10 minutes just explaining why the visits are taking place when the regular age specific doctors checks are missed. He made a note that we had the check in Australia and that we are heading home in June and that we had paper work for immunisation. He was very friendly and said that home visits we being upped due to some grim cases that had had a lot of media attention lately. As I said I am happy that there is such a good system. Thanks for everyone's concern and for the record they were eating potato and leek soup when he came so the impression was good. Today lunch was less successful as the Monkey had a tomato sauce sandwich. Bear and Mouse were streets ahead as they didn't refuse the slice of cheese that accompanied the bread and tomato sauce thus making it a far more appropriate offering for lunch.

A relaxed lunch after a morning of shopping.

A less than relaxed first 10 minutes on the train after the epic sprint for the train.
I have the picture of us in my head with the "Chariots Of Fire" music playing and us running in slow motion but instead of fit athletes running along the beach in appropriate clothing in slow motion insert 4 mothers and a spring chicken (who we made carry lots of shopping so we had a chance of keeping up) running as fast as they could which was close to slow motion dressed in winter coats, scarves, hats and gloves.
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