Saturday, 2 April 2011

Spring. Fair. Gherkins!

I swear it is getting warmer.

Have no idea who the jazz ballet boy in the background is. Looks like he is having fun.

The weather is slowly warming up and we are seeing that our thick jackets may be put away for good soon. While our own loose tooth boy goes to his school prep group on Tuesdays at kindy the girls and I try to catch the sun and warmth at the playground. The last two weeks we have managed this, the first time alone and with a little warmth and sun and this Tuesday just gone we met our lovely Family N friends and shared massive amounts of sun and warmth and the loose tooth boys joined us too. All five kids had a picnic up on top of the fort...away from the mamas who definitely would have said "don't try to eat gummy bears all at once".

With the beginning of spring and the start of 'summer time' which brings the lovely long twilight we are managing to pack more and more into the day. After an impromptu trip to town and lunch at a pizza restaurant and ice cream to follow then we sat on our terrace and relaxed in the afternoon sun...not quite warm enough yet. Then as a last minute idea we headed to the fair-Send- for the early evening. The kids have entered the 'we want rides' phase and they got two rides. A merry-go-round and the dodgem cars. Luckily the lovely Frau F and Herr M joined us so I managed to to avoid the dodgems again. I still remember being a kid and panicking as I had no idea how they worked ie token in them - wait...I have the same fear of vending machines after an incident at a public pool when a packet of chips failed to fall...but I digress.

Always happy when the kids choose a rocket ship ride. The Bear is driving.

The Mouse was spellbound by this ride...our little thrill seeker.

The Send fair posters say it has been around for 1200 years. As a salute to this we didn't buy the kids a balloon, we didn't buy them plastic toys, we didn't even buy them the gingerbread hearts that probably were around then. No we were really nice parents and bought them...actually it wasn't even us it was Frau F who bought will never guess..... GHERKINS

There were 5 different flavours but even I couldn't try the mustard one that had been peeled and looked like an eel.

Oma was nowhere to be seen - she sent Opa and the old Onkel.

Luckily the kids still like us.

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