It was freezing cold and really, really rainy on Saturday morning so we stayed inside watched cartoons, chatted with Grandma and baked honey jumbles until it stopped raining. Then we headed into town for the afternoon. The Monkey and I had an engagement to eat a ridiculous amount of ice cream with a friend as the Monkey had missed her birthday party a couple of weeks before and Herr Fitz decided to take the Bear and the Mouse to the City Museum. All the ice cream eating training of late summer paid off as the Monkey managed to eat her two scoops, the cone (that was on top) and the waffle dish it was in (I am pretty sure it was edible). We then had a lovely ladies shopping hour and met back up with the boys and the Mouse. Herr Fitz had left with 4 euros in his pocket and a grand dream of buying hot chips and mayonnaise but the Bear had other thoughts. Upon seeing the flower sellers (flowers are ludicrously cheap here) he stated, "I think Mummy would really like some flowers." With the sweet smell of chips just around the corner and the earnest eyes of our first born before him Herr Fitz gave up the dream and asked which colour flowers. As we met up the Bear released his clutch on the beautiful flowers and handed them to me with the sweetest look on his face. Herr Fitz asked for some money and took the Bear for an ice cream as it was too late for chips. Then we all came home on the bus and had a great evening with Frau F and Herr M eating pizza, reading all the German books from the library (can't pass up a fluent German speaker even if she does come via Australia) and generally muckin' around.
Sunday with the temperature a much more satisfactory 5 oC we chatted with Grandma and Grandad, baked the "Shazza Choccy Cake", Herr Chip went jogging and we cleaned up for a coffee and cake visit from another kindergarten family. We inhaled the cake and coffee then the mums and the big kids went to see a very sweet concert. 12 cellos, a piano and a dancing school performing the "Carnival of Animals". It was just perfect and the Monkey nearly fell off he chair trying to see the ballerina on point dancing the Swan part. Apart from the elephant in a tutu who was revealed to be a very short man underneath to the amusement of all the kids, all of the other dancers were young kids from a dancing school. Just the right mix of beautifully played music and kids ballet (they all looked like they were having fun) all held together by a very sweet narrator.
We took the night ride home on the bikes to Herr Fitz and the Mouse who had spent the afternoon reading books and playing.

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